21 April 2022 | News,

Closure of the Education and Employment Thematic Fund project with the 1951 Association

The thematic fund Education and Employment, hosted by Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, supported the project entitled „Sustainable integration of refugees in Switzerland“, led by the Association 1951, for 3 years. This project, which ended in March 2022, was selected and monitored by WISE – philanthropy advisors and co-financed by the Cantonal Office for the Integration of Foreigners and the Prevention of Racism (BCI) of the Canton of Vaud. This is the first co-financing of its kind in the canton, a successful public-private partnership.

The objective of the project was that by March 2022, the individualized training and integration methodology of the 1951 Association would enable 153 refugees to acquire the skills that would allow them to enter the job market in a sustainable manner, with a focus on entry into training leading to a qualification. More specifically, the commitment of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation has contributed to the „Formation et Insertion Professionnelle (FIP)“ training courses, which include language, mathematics, computer and job search techniques, as well as two professional training courses for each beneficiary.  The particularity of the initiative, allowing to maximize its impact, came from its sustainability, thanks to an individual and personalized follow-up of each beneficiary 12 months after the training, for a successful professional insertion.

At the time of the last WISE report in October 2021, progress was as follows: 115 refugees out of a target of 153 had been sustainably integrated into the Swiss labor market. The retention rate in employment 12 months after the 1951 Association’s training was 62%, which is excellent compared to the estimated rate of 25% in Switzerland.

The final report of this project will be published in May 2022 and we will also make public the latest figures on the outcome of the project. In the meantime, we would like to congratulate and thank the 1951 Association and WISE for their partnership and involvement in the success of this project.

„The commitment of the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation alongside the BCI in the financing of this project represents an opportunity for the Canton to enable young refugees to take a step forward towards the world of work or training to better integrate into Switzerland. This collaboration, which is unprecedented for us, will certainly have allowed us to pool our financial resources but will also have allowed us to develop new impact indicators together.“ Katel Giacometti – BCI Project Manager