03 November 2020 | News,

What European philanthropy? : Speech by Aïssata Traoré, coordinator of Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) at SPF for Switzerland.

Organized for the first time by HIGGS, the national representative of TGE in Greece, the event conference: „TGE Network & Cross-border Donations in Europe“ took place online on October 29th and gathered more than 130 participants.

Thanks to the presence of European TGE representatives, the meeting made it possible to take stock of national and European philanthropy, while addressing the challenges and opportunities to come.

This moment of discussion was also an opportunity to present the existing solutions to facilitate cross-border donations, thanks in particular to the existence of the TGE network.

Created in 1998, Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) is a network of important European foundations and associations which aims to facilitate the deployment of cross-border European philanthropy and promote its development. Composed today of 21 participating states, each is represented by a partner foundation, Swiss Philanthropy Foundation for Switzerland.

The TGE thus allows donors residing in one of the participating countries to make donations in favor of non-profit organizations of their choice, based in other member countries, or in Switzerland, in a simple, quick and professional framework ensuring rigorous due diligence. These donations are tax deductible according to the advantages provided in the donor’s country of residence.

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