29 November 2023 | News,

Launch of the new TGE tool – a European Catalogue for non-profit organizations

On November 28th, GivingTuesday, Transnational Giving Europe (TGE) launched its cutting-edge online platform—a comprehensive European Catalogue of non-profit organizations.

The hallmark of this new platform is its ability to boost charitable giving across Europe and showcase TGE-registered charities with online donation pages. These organizations will now be easily discoverable through a user-friendly interface, allowing users to search by name, cause, or even donors’ country of tax residence. This innovative approach aims to streamline the fundraising process for charities and facilitate seamless connections between donors and the causes they are passionate about. And, as an added dimension, the platform will introduce a “Projects of the Month” section, spotlighting three exceptional charities each month.

This platform enables Swiss-based organizations to receive donations from donors based in Europe, and Swiss donors to make online donations to organizations in 18 European countries, according to the themes of their choice.

TGE’s primary objective is to empower charities to elevate their fundraising efforts across Europe. By providing a centralized hub for donors to explore and contribute, the platform seeks to enhance engagement on key generosity occasions and events.

The unveiling of the new online platform signifies a milestone in the realm of European cross-border philanthropy. By harnessing the power of technology and collaboration, TGE is paving the way for a more connected and impactful charitable ecosystem across Europe.

To explore the new platform, click here!