07 May 2024 | News,

Visit to the Pro Juventute Foundation supported by Demaimpact

The Demaimpact Fund housed within the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation offers an innovative initiative which aims to integrate young people into philanthropy.

During the first year of this initiative, a first group of 10 young people aged 18 to 30 selected 4 projects carried out by and for young people in French-speaking Switzerland in the theme: Education, with the aim of promoting social integration .

This May 7, 2024, they had the pleasure of attending the closing session of the Future Pro pilot project carried out by the Fondation Pro Juventute. This project, which is one of the four projects selected by Demaimpact, supported 15 young people from Vaud in the preparation and realization of their professional project with the support of volunteer coaches, teachers and the Pro Juventute team.

The Swiss Philanthropy Foundation and WISE Philanthropy Advisors team were at their side to support them.